Thursday, June 28, 2012

An Education Metaphor

I choose to compare school and it's students to a seedling or a greenhouse. When children first arrive at school they are like seedlings. They have just grown and this is their first time being planted away from their parents. Just like a seedling an students is fragile and relies on us (it's teachers) to learn and grow. Just like a seedling would rely on us humans to water it and make sure it is getting the sunlight that it needs to grow. Throughout the years of being in school students begin to grow and develop and figure out who they are as people. They learn what they like and what they don't like, but through every step they depend on their teacher for guidance, whether it is a little or a lot. As a seedling develops into a plant it requires less and less attention from people and lives off of the natural resources of nature. As will a student when they become an adult. A school is like a green house because in a green house they are many different types of plants growing at all different stages and in a school there are many different races of children who are also at different ages and stages in their life. And there is a time in both of these when it is time to move out and enter the real world and take care of themselves.

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