Thursday, June 7, 2012

How can we put an end to bullying?

Throughout the past few years bullying has become more of an issue throughout schools all over the world. The definition of bullying is to use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying happens at every school, whether it is known by the teachers or not. Bullying can be done in person or now with all of the technology it can easily be done over the internet.

There are many ways on how to address bullying. The adults in the building need to respond to the bullying right away, making it known to the children that it is not allowed and will not be tolerated in the school. The website gives a couple of things that a teacher can do. They can intervene the situation right away, and separate the children that are involved. The worst thing that a teacher can do is to ignore it and let it happen again and again. Also the teacher or adults should find out what happened and find a way to prevent it from happening again.

Now that most children have facebook and twitter and other online sites there is a greater chance that children will be bullied on there. It is important to teach children about being safe when using a public web page. It is important that they know how to make their things private and also to tell someone if someone is using one of these social networks for the wrong reason.

That brings me to the next thing which is kids are afraid to tell when someone is being bullied because they dont want to be the tattle tale. But it is important for kids to know that being the tattle tale isnt a bad thing. By telling an adult about a situation that you know about they will be able to help out the child and hopefully prevent something from become worse than it was going to get.

I think that as teachers we just need to be aware of what it looks like when someone is either bullying someone else or being bullied. That way we are able to prevent it from happening or stop it from happening. I think as teachers and adults we need to teach the children why bullying is wrong and what it can have as an affect on someone.

Website I used was

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