Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Teach?!

There are many different answers to the question "Why Teach?" But are any of them right? Every teacher has their own reason or reasons of why they choose to become a teacher, and why they choose to go through all of the work it took in order to become a teacher. As I researched why people teach I came up with many different reasons. One of the reasons was that the teachers believe that "the children are their most important asset". They want the children to have the best education that they can, and in order for them to have that they believe in putting in the effort to teach. Another reason was because people want to make a difference in someone's life. By teaching you are influencing children everyday. Whether it be a life lesson, or an educational lesson. The children are learning from you everyday. Children especially ones who are younger look up to their teacher, or older authority figure in their life and will learn a lot from someone they spend six hours a day with. One more reason of why people teach is because it runs in the family. A lot of teachers have had other teachers in their family. I know that in my family teaching started with my mom teaching, I always helped out in her class, and I always played school when I was younger. When you have someone older in your life who is a teacher you gets to see what it is like and it gives you an idea if that is something that you would really want to do. Rather than guessing if it is something that you would like to do. I think that everyone has their own reasons as to why they want to teach, and all of them influence that person to become the teacher that they are.

Below are the sites that I used when finding why people choose to teach!



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